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What is Face Yoga ?

The appearance of our face is often how we judge ourselves. How many of us have spent time in front of the mirror wishing certain aspects of our aging face would disappear and secretly believing that if they did, we'd be much happier and confident?

While of course, looking good in itself doesn't always lead to happiness, what is typically found to be true is that feeling better about our appearance and more in control of how we look can have mental and emotional benefits. Face Yoga can provide both that feeling of looking our best as well as a sense of power we have over helping that to happen.

Purported to help reduce wrinkles and other markers of aging while improving the contours of your face, Face Yoga has gained in popularity mainly due to its success rate but also because, like other forms of yoga, it is also concerned with developing a person’s sense of wellbeing.

We are introducing to you this Face Yoga Series to a definition of face yoga and what the practice actually involves. We will highlight the science behind the practice as well as the benefits as attested by millions of global practitioners and teachers. We will also look into the holistic benefits of face yoga, explaining why breath control and posture are important parts of your overall practice.

Follow and subscribe us to receive the latest updates about what is about Face Yoga and try this simple easy and cost effective way to combat aging both on your skin and on your soul. No chemicals, products or machines will be required, you can just stay home, follow our approaches, and gain the most benefit out of it, enjoy and have fun~~


Face Yoga Series

Chapter (1): What is Face Yoga?

We are introducing to you this Face Yoga Series to a definition of face yoga and what the practice actually involves.  We will highlight the science behind the practice as well as the benefits as attested by millions of global practitioners and teachers.  We will also look into the holistic benefits of face yoga, explaining why breath control and posture are important parts of your overall practice.
Naturalice Garden: What is Face Yoga?

In Short

Face Yoga is a practice that focuses on exercising facial muscles for up to 15 minutes a day --- and this results in brighter, younger-looking skin. It is a completely natural alternative to anti-aging remedies.

In Theroy

Face yoga is the practice of various exercises that focus on activating the muscles of the face to create a firmer, more sculpted-looking countenance, with fewer wrinkles and sagging skin, and a more defined jawline.

There are around 50 muscles in the face and just as we can tone our body through exercises, our facial muscles can be toned too. The best part is since these are relatively tiny muscles making recovery time minimal and allowing results to be seen within days.
Naturalice Garden: Muscles in the Face

There are around 50 muscles in the face and just as we can tone our body through exercises, our facial muscles can be toned too. The best part is since these are relatively tiny muscles making recovery time minimal and allowing results to be seen within days.

The muscles of our face are just below the skin surface, and so when you smooth the muscles you also smooth the skin. Face Yoga improves blood flow to our face tissues, boost collagen and elastin production, and flush toxins by stimulating lymphatic functions, which results in a more youthful and radiant complexion.

What is the mechanism behind?

While it may seem curious that moving your face in a specific way actually reduces lines rather than creating them, the fact is that face yoga works like resistance training.

The principles are the same: As a strength trainer, you move your body in a specific way to build up muscle. So too, you move your face muscles in a specific way to plump up cheeks and define the area of your face that loose, inactive muscle has been dragging downwards.

Although the exercises are relatively easy, it may take some time to get them all completely right. There are a few that are a little more complex than others and, in addition, we often have to 'unlearn' how we've been using our facial muscles. For example, many of us use our foreheads every time we move our eyes. This, as you will learn later, is one of the main causes of a permanently furrowed brow.

As well as that, we hold so much tension in our face. This in itself can affect how we look at any age but learning to relax that tension can be quite difficult – particularly as it may mean changing expressions that we've used unconsciously for years.

While the target of the practice is primarily on the physical body (i.e. the face), it also has a strong focus on the wellbeing of the inner self. It concentrates on facial exercises, but to do so it employs breath control, as well as specific yoga-like body postures that benefit overall wellbeing, and can build up confidence as well as a sense of self that many lose as they start to age. Thus, like all true yoga practices, face yoga's aim is self-realization.

Any scientific proof?

Scientists were able to rate an approximate 3-year decrease in age appearance over a 20-week period, supporting the argument that face yoga improves facial appearance and reduces visible signs of ageing. The most dramatic effect was upper and lower cheek fullness of the participants, who were all 50+ years of age. According to the lead researcher on the study, the exercises carried out work to enlarge and strengthen the facial muscles, so that the participants' faces became more toned and shaped like younger faces.

Who benefits from Face Yoga?

Face Yoga works for EVERY face, every time, taking years off of the face by smoothing, plumping, and sculpting the facial muscles to create a youthful look.

This move stops your saggy smile and focus on stopping the skin around your mouth from weakening and drooping downwards.
Naturalice Garden: Forced Smile Exercise

A list of all the benefits:

  • Tightened and toned skin

  • Reduced eye bags and swelling

  • Reduced or erased wrinkles

  • Straighter nose

  • Plumper lips

  • Less fine lines around the mouth area

  • Smoother neck

  • Facial symmetry

  • Happier appearance

  • Symmetrical smile and reduced "gummy smile"

  • A younger-looking face and skin

  • Brightened and a more even complexion

  • Tightened neck and jawline

  • Improved posture and flexibility

A list of the side effects:

  • More oxygen to the face and mind (through deep-breathing techniques)

  • Clarity of mind

  • Uplifted mood, confidence, and relaxation

  • Self-control over facial and body movements

  • Increased blood flow to the skin, so better circulation

  • Fewer headaches

  • Less neck strain and backache

  • Better control of muscles used for speech and other facial movements.



(1) Face Yoga Method by Fumiko Takatsu

(2) Face Yoga Diploma Course Materials (Centre of Excellence, UK)

Note: Unless otherwise mentioned, the copyrights of the content, layout, short videos and photos of this article are owned by Naturalice Garden. If you want to share, please indicate the source: Naturalice Garden. Grateful.

Disclaimer: This article and its contents are purely for interest. The products described here are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. The information in this article is for informational purposes only and is not a substitute for medical advice. Please consult your physician regarding specific medical concerns or before beginning health management. We make no representations or warranties and assume no responsibility for any information contained herein and/or for any conduct, use or misuse.


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