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Bitter Orange's Amazing Effects on female hormonal system

From the flowers of the Bitter Orange Tree, we extract the stunning neroli essential oil. And from the leaves and twigs, we extract the delicate petitgrain. This article explores with you the stunning effect of neroli and petitgrain in our hormonal system, how it links to female hormones, menopause, stress levels, blood pressure, anxiety, our mood, our tension, and everything related to our endocrine and hormones which could result in insomnia.
From the flowers of the Bitter Orange Tree, we extract the stunning neroli essential oil.  And from the leaves and twigs, we extract the delicate petitgrain.  This article explores with you the stunning effect of neroli and petitgrain in our hormonal system, how it links to female hormones, menopause, stress levels, blood pressure, anxiety, our mood, our tension, and everything related to our endocrine and hormones which could result in insomnia.
Bitter Orange's Amazing Effects on Female Hormonal System

The Bitter Orange Tree (Citrus aurantium subsp. amara) is a native of South East Asia, now mostly grown in Spain and Florida. From its flowers, we extract the stunning neroli essential oil and from the leaves and twigs we extract the delicate petitgrain essential oil. Both oils can have a particularly deep action in cases of insomnia and even though petitgrain has a quieter "voice" for some cases of insomnia, it becomes the breakthrough oil.


Research has backed up that neroli can be useful for insomnia linked to female hormones, in particular during the menopause. Simply by smelling neroli brought down stress levels and also brought together a decrease in blood pressure. It is also found that neroli essential oil has an impact on the endocrine system of women, and this probably contributes to the efficacy of the oil for hormonally linked insomnia.

Aromatherapists have found that neroli is particularly useful for cases where individuals are depressed or anxious, and when there is true nervous exhaustion. Trials reveal that neroli regulates serotonin receptors certainly adds to this oils credentials as an anxiety and mood-lifting agent. When working with these cases of insomnia, the nervous system needs to be built up before it can find itself locking into those natural sleep rhythms. Neroli can act as a neurotronic to strengthen the nervous system in those cases. Once the nervous system has been built up, nerolis heady, hypnotic base note will finally be able to lull an exhausted body to sleep.


If neroli can be viewed as an oil to build up a nervous system, petitgrain can be viewed as one to bring balance to the nervous system, especially if it is over-stimulated. Petitgrain can become an important oil if an individual is kept awake by a busy brain, or if their body is simply holding too much tension or pent-up energy to relax into sleep. If an individual who is very busy, or very high energy, then petitgrain is often the oil to help calm all that energy down for bedtime. It is therefore petitgrain makes a nice sleep oil for children, as they are such high energy little people.

So many of us have too much on our plates, we work long hours, we juggle work life, home life and (attempt) a social life. Layers and layers of stress can build up and we simply have too much to think about. Quiet, unassuming petitgrain can burrow through mountainous piles of stress and worry and to-do-lists, politely asking the brain to switch off for a while.

We learnt about the physiological and physical effects of those tiny aromatic molecules on our brain and our mood, are you prepared to grab a bottle of therapeutic grade oil to help with yourself?

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Note: Neroli Essential Oil and Petitgrain Essential Oil

are not for sale in Young Living Hong Kong market,

if you would like to get this oil, please contact us for more information.


Join Young Living as a Member to SAVE 24% on essential oils

(and get your complimentary 1-on-1 Essential Oil Beginner Workshop):


Source: Centre of Excellence


Copyright @Naturalice Garden 2021


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