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The 12 Uses and Benefits of Lavender

Lavender is a popular choice in aromatherapy products for sleeping issues. Chronic insomnia is rarely caused by a tangled web of emotional and physical difficulties. Lavender Essential Oil is a holistic approach to insomnia because it does not simply sedate, it also addresses underlying issues such as an imbalanced nervous system, pain, muscular tension and poor social integration and support.

The uses of Lavender essential oil are endless. We will share in this Article a full list of the broad uses of Lavender essential oil in your daily routine to improve your quality of life, and show you the wonders it adds to your relaxation before sleep, your skin, your hair, and your happiness.


In the previous chapter of this series, we covered the "Basic Knowledge of Lavender" (click to read) and "The 3 Commonly Used Lavandula Species" (click to read). In this chapter, we are going to introduce to you The 12 Uses and Benefits of Lavender and put your knowledge acquired to daily application.

Recap: Today, lavender may be enjoyed simply for its wonderful fragrance but it also is used to induce sleep, ease stress and relieve depression. But other than its relaxing aroma, Lavender also has a lot of other useful uses and effects, and has a lot of many other varieties which may not be as curing as the one we usually use to calm and cure. It can be used as a tea, to make compresses for dressing wounds and to apply to the forehead to relieve congestion on sinuses, headaches, hangovers, tiredness, tension and exhaustion and in many other ways. It is one of the most popular and versatile essential oils used in aromatherapy.

In researching about “Lavender”, we have studied a lot of interesting materials and have written a very long essay. In the coming few weeks, we will extract some interesting information from the essay, and take you through our Lavender garden, hoping to show you the wonderful effects of Lavender, its varieties, and their different uses. If you are an history person, do not miss the last episode of the series which we will explore how "Lavender" has become widely used from ancient times to the modern era.


Lavender Series

Chapter 3: The 12 Uses and Benefits of Lavender

1. Sleepy Slumbers - Place a few drops of Lavender Essential Oil on a tissue, tuck it inside your pillowcase, and let its sweet floral scent ease your occasional nervous tension from your to-do lists, family worries, and work problems before bed.

2. Fabulous Feet - Rub your feet and toes with a few drops of Lavender Essential Oil as a personal foot massage after a tired day to soothe their stress.

3. Lovely Locks - Leave Lavender Essential Oil in your hair ensures a good hair day every day. Also, you can add a drop or two of Lavender with Rosemary Essential Oil into your shampoo, to achieve healthier-looking hair.

4. Fresh Face - Soothe minor skin irritations by adding Lavender Essential Oil to your daily face wash will leave you feeling fresh and fit.

5. Cherubic Complexion - Support your aging skin by adding Lavender Essential oil to your moisturizer.

6. Blemishes Banished - Apply a drop or two Lavender Essential Oil to those unwanted pesky red spots to help reduce the appearance of blemishes.

7. Soothed Skin - Rub Lavender Essential Oil into your skin for a soothing sensation after a tired day or a fun outing day.

8. Homemade Lavender Chocolate Drink - Ever thought of making your chocolate drink with essential oil? Try out this Homemade Lavender Chocolate Drink with our Lavender vitality essential oil, Oatmeal Drink, Cocoa Powder, and Vanilla essence with Honey, it is so simple and soothing!


· Oatmeal milk 4 cups

· Cocoa powder 8 tbsp

· Vanilla essence 1tsp

· Honey 4 tsp

Bring the above to boil and stir in…

· Lavender vitality essential oil 4 drops

9. Self-care Soak - Finish you day with a Lavender oatmeal bath soak or foot soak.

10. Delectable Drink - Add a splash of elegance to your lemonade with Lavender Essential Oil, go here for our Honey Lavender Lemonade recipe.

11. Tried-and-true Tranquility - Take Lavender's other best friend, Peppermint Essential Oil, and mix it with Lavender. With these two oils combined and applied topically, you'll experience a cool, tingling sensation that with massage, helps relieve occasional tension, and lets you relax after whatever curve balls life throws your way.

12. Extrodinary Serene Scent - Best known for its calming properties and comforting aroma, Lavender Essential Oil is the best balm to any tough day. So sit back, relax, and let all your worries float away with these peaceful diffuser blends:

💜 Gentle Heart (Relax)

· 4 Drops Lavender Essential Oil

· 3 Drops Lemon Essential Oil

· 2 Drops Peppermint Essential Oil

💜 Sleeping Beauty (Good for Sleep)

· 5 Drops Lavender Essential Oil

· 3 Drops Clary Sage Essential Oil

💜 Dazzling Fairyland (Boost Mood)

· 4 Drops Lavender Essential Oil

· 3 Drops Lime Essential Oil

· 2 Drops Orange Essential Oil

· 2 Drops Frankincense Essential Oil

In our next article, we will share with you more Lavender essential oil diffuser recipes. Please stay tuned~

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Copyright @Naturalice Garden 2021


Note: Unless otherwise mentioned, the copyright of the content, layout and photos of this article is owned by Naturalice Garden. If you wish to share, please kindly quote us: Naturalice Garden. We are grateful for your appreciation and cooperation.

Disclaimer: This article is excerpted from the abovementioned articles and books, and is prepared for leisure reading. The products, if any, described in this article, and the contents are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. The information in this article is for informational purposes only and is not a substitute for medical advice. Please consult your physician regarding specific medical concerns or before beginning health management. We make no representations or warranties and assume no responsibility for any information contained herein and/or for any conduct, use or misuse.


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