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I am fed up with my Hard Pimples...

In this article, we use simple, practical, and natural and straightforward methods to teach you how to solve the problem of hard pimple.

In this article, we use simple, practical, and natural and straightforward methods to teach you how to solve the problem of hard pimple.
I am fed up with my hard pimples

The formation of hard pimples is basically due to inflammation of the sebum lines in the pores, and at the same time, the pores are blocked, neither oil nor dirt can be discharged. These acne nodules coalesce to form bumps that protrude from the skin and are often intensely painful. These bumps are hard when pressed and are therefore called "hard pimples".

Hard pimples take a long time to heal. In addition, because the location of the inflammation is deep in the pores, it is normally causing permanent bump holes even after treatment.

The characteristics of Hard Pimples


Hard pimples can develop on all parts of the face, but more around the T-zones where there is usually more sebum production, such as the chin, forehead, and nose, are common locations for eruptions. For girls, when the meridian flow is blocked before menstruation, it is more common that the hard pimples appear around the chin; and for people with poor digestive functions, it is more common that the hard pimples appear around the cheeks area.


Hard pimples do not have protruding pus heads like normal acne. Other than its larger than normal acne, it also appears red and swollen. Hard pimples belong to a cluster of "aggregated" acne which is formed by the fusion of several nodules of acne, which means that there are several affected nodules accumulated under the skin, so it will always be in a dark red, slightly swollen state, and it will take a long time to slowly form the "mature" state of acne showing pus.


Just as the name suggests, hard pimples feel hard, normally accompanying with slight pain when touched, and a burning sensation in acute outbreaks.

Why do I often get Hard Pimple?

The following are some of the major cause of hard pimples:

Endocrine disorders:

Hard pimples are closely related to our hormonal levels. Hormonal levels fluctuate during puberty and for female, before and after menstruation, these conditions all stimulate our skin to produce excessive sebum and greatly increases the chance of our pores being blocked. When the pores are blocked and if the dirt cannot be discharged smoothly, then there will be the chance to form hard pimples. Besides, when we are under stress, or our emotion is unstable, or we do not sleep well, these are all factors which could cause hormonal imbalance and increases the chance of getting hard pimples.

Bad habits:

Sleeping late, sleeping with makeup, eating strong-flavored food, poor skin cleansing, all of these bad habits can cause hard pimples.

Bacterial infections:

Since hard pimples actually are evolution of acne, which is usually caused by bacterial infection of the sebum line and thereby results in inflammation. When the condition is severe, the adjacent sebum lines will also be infected. When the cluster of sebum lines are inflamed together, the nodules will accumulate, forming hard pimples.

Blockage of pores:

If the sebum production is too much, and the aging stratum corneum is not removed in time, the pores will be blocked, which is also a common cause of hard pimples. Therefore, when the stratum corneum and oil proliferate, we will note whiteheads, blackheads and acne, and these are uninflamed acne. If it is not properly cleaned and treated, once there is inflammation, hard pimples will easily occur.

Do I have a health issue?

Have you ever had the experience of developing hard pimples in the same location frequently? Sometimes, it seems once it is healed and not long after it recur and recur. If you often have hard pimples around the same location, you should pay attention to your health, particularly pay attention to your daily habits, diet, working stress and condition of your rests.

  • Between the eyebrows, or the Temples:

If it often appears between the eyebrows and temples, it is mostly related to stress and sleep. Poor sleep quality, frequently wake up in the middle of the night, and sleeping too late will also cause the sebum secretion to be out of balance, resulting in hard pimples.

  • Chin:

Hard pimples around the chin may reflect poor gastrointestinal function and weak digestive function. Also, female's menstruation cycle and endocrine hormone can also cause hard pimples on the chin.

  • Nose:

The pores on the nose are already relatively large and are easily blocked. If hard pimples often develop near the nose, it may also be caused by the imbalance of endocrine hormones in the body.

  • Cheek:

From the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine, hard pimples on the cheeks represent imbalances of the "spleen and stomach system" and "heat" in the "lung system". If we are often into hot and spicy food, the Qi in our "liver system" will become exuberant and stagnant, and "toxins" will accumulate and affect our "liver system", and therefore forming hard pimples on the cheeks.

Prevention and handling

Based on the above, the formation of hard pimples is mostly related to diet, emotions, and daily routines. Therefore, we should pay attention to:

Rest Time:

Going to bed early and getting up early, having a regular schedule, can stabilize the hormonal secretion of the body. If insomnia persists, you can consider aromatherapy to help with your insomnia and hormonal production. If you are in need, please feel free to contact us for enquiries and advice.

Sufficiently Exercising:

Properly exercising can help perspiration, flush out toxins and dirt, and promote blood circulation. Relaxing, stretching and meditation twice or thrice a week can relieve daily stress and help balancing hormonal secretion. We recommend doing a 10-minute relaxation exercise before going to bed every night to help sleep quality. Consider this stretching exercise video I found on youtube which helps you relax and have a good night's sleep.

Remove your makeup and sunscreen

Remove your makeup and sunscreen before going to bed every time. Our shop also offers a Tea Tree and Lavender acne-removing makeup remover. If you are interested, please feel free to contact us for enquiries and advice.

Facial Scrub:

Facial scrubs twice or thrice a week can help remove the aged cuticle. If you want to learn how to make a natural facial scrub, you can register for our Natural Skincare & Facial Scrub Workshop here.

Quit Sweets and Spicy food:

Eat less of food rich in salt, sugar, and spicy, so as not to stimulate sebum production. Many people do not know that as long as we reduce the intake of carbohydrates, such as bread, cakes and desserts, including soft drinks and bubble tea, we will be able to have much healthier skin. If you want to learn more, you can register for our Sensitive Skin Face Yoga Workshop here.

If unfortunately, you have developed a hard pimple, the following should be able to help you soothe and relieve the symptoms:

Never Sqeeze your hard pimple:

Because the hard pimple is a cluster of closed acne, it will not have the white pus that normally comes with ordinary acne which could be squeezed out and get rid of, so do not squeeze it with your hands or pierce it with blackhead needle, as the action could damage the skin and cause scars .

Cleanse and soothe with tea tree oil:

After cleansing, apply diluted tea tree oil with a cotton swab on hard pimple. Tea tree oil can help inhibit bacteria and reduce inflammation and swelling, so it can gently and effectively relieve the discomfort caused. Our shop has a roller oil with the simple ingredients of tea tree oil and lavender essential oil, targeting problems of acne/whiteheads/blackheads/hard pimple, called Grainy Gone Roll-On, which could be able to soothe the problem and help calm down the hard pimple for you.

Use Natural Organic Floral Distillate:

If you have serious acne problems or hard pimple, you should simplify your skin care routine. Products with chemical ingredients may irritate your skin and worsen the condition for ingredients infamiliar to you. Other than using natural ingredients skincare, applying natural organic floral distillate for 5 to 10 minutes in the morning and evening to calm the skin can help control the sebum production, and relieve the swelling and pain caused by hard pimples.


More information on some of the workshops and products mentioned above:

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Source: Healthline, OlivaClinic, Perfect Medical, Cosmopolitan, Skinfood


Copyright @Naturalice Garden 2021


Note: Unless otherwise mentioned, the copyright of the content, layout and photos of this article is owned by Naturalice Garden. If you wish to share, please kindly quote us: Naturalice Garden. We are grateful for your appreciation and cooperation.

Disclaimer: This article is excerpted from the abovementioned articles and books, and isprepared for leisure reading. The products, if any, described in this article, and the contents are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. The informationin this article is for informational purposes only and is not a substitute for medical advice. Please consult your physician regarding specific medical concerns or before beginning health management. We make no representations or warranties and assume no responsibility for any information contained herein and/or for any conduct, use or misuse.


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