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German Chamomile: Your sleeping, stress, skin issues, all in one treatment and more...

German Chamomile, originated in Eurasia and has been used as a herbal medicine by the ancient Greeks, Egyptians and Romans for thousands of years. Because it smells like an apple, it is called "earthy apple" in ancient Greek. And because it can cure diseases of the plants and trees that grow in its vicinity in the ancient times, it has been honored as the "doctor of the plants" since long time ago.
Chamomile, originated in Eurasia and has been used as a herbal medicine by the ancient Greeks, Egyptians and Romans for thousands of years. Because it smells like an apple, it is called "earthy apple" in ancient Greek. And because it can cure diseases of the plants and trees that grow in its vicinity, it has been honored as the "doctor of the dead" since ancient times.

Chamomile has a wide range of uses and has been used as one of the "panaceas" in aromatherapy for many years. Here are some interesting rumors. Chamomile is categorised into "German chamomile" and "Roman chamomile". In this article, we are discussing "German chamomile", which is considered to be a more widely used variety in treating tricky conditions.

  • Sleeeping Quality

Chamomile is considered one of the most widely used alternative remedies for sleep disorder and treating insomnia. The latest research has found that chamomile does have benefits in promoting sleep.

According to a 2017 study by Islamic Azad University published in the Journal of Education and Health Promotion, 77 elderly persons were treated at a local nursing home. Results of the study showed that among those participants, those who took 400mg of chamomile capsules twice a day recorded significant improvements in sleeping quality after 4 weeks, compared to those who received no treatment.

As for how chamomile helps to induce sleep, animal studies have shown that German Chamomile has sedative and anti-anxiety properties: 300 mg of German Chamomile extract significantly shortened the time it took for rats to fall asleep.

  • Anxiety Disorder

Another study conducted by the University of Pennsylvania Medical Center in 2016 showed that those who took 500 mg of German Chamomile extract 3 times a day for 12 weeks have their symptoms of moderate to severe Generalized Anxiety Disorder significantly reduced. Another 2012 study of the University of Pennsylvania showed that Chamomile extract may also have anti-depressant effect.

  • Anti-oxidant

A 2015 study published in The European Journal of Public Health recorded that 537 local residents of Athens who drank Chamomile tea 2 to 6 times a week were less likely to develop thyroid cancer over 30 years than those who only drank water which the latter had a nearly 80% likelihood.

In addition, Chamomile has been found to contain an antioxidant "apigenin". Apigenin has been recorded in test-tube studies that it has the effect of combating cancer cells, including cervical, prostate, breast, digestive tract and skin cancers.

  • Blood Sugar Level

Some studies have also found that Chamomile tea has the record of lowering blood sugar levels in diabetic patients.

According to an experiment published in 2015 in the Journal of Endocrinological Investigation, 64 diabetic patients who took Chamomile tea after 3 meals for 8 days showed a significant decrease in their blood sugar levels and total cholesterol.

In addition, the UK University of Leeds has been studying the link between dietary composition and carbohydrate digestion over the past few years, with a particular focus on how certain natural compounds can help control blood sugar levels. They screened several plant extracts and determined that two apigenins in German Chamomile, along with two other compounds, were highly effective in controlling diabetes.

  • Enhance Digestion

A preliminary study by the Medical University of Lublin in 2015 showed that Chamomile inhibits the activity of helicobacter pylori, which is the usual cause of chronic gastritis and which could lead to gastric and duodenal ulcers.

  • Skincare

In terms of skincare, German Chamomile is known to have repairing properties and contains active flavonoids that help also to soothe the mood. In addition, German Chamomile contains Chamomile extract, Chamomile acid, and Chamomile ethanol, which can calm and soothe, can effectively improve dryness, burning, and redness of the skin.

German Chamomile is often used with Lavender, which has excellent cleansing power, to create a comfortable makeup remover and cleanser. In addition, German Chamomile can also be paired with Roses, Geranium, and Citrus to enhance the aromatherapy properties of other essential oils with its natural aromatic power, bringing excellent soothing effects to the mind and body.

Other Aromatic Skincare Use

  • Improve Sensitive and Fragile Skin

Mix German Chamomile essential oil with skin care products (such as moisturizers) in a ratio of

one drop of German Chamomile Essential Oil : 3-5 grams of moisturizer

and apply to the skin daily.

  • Improve dehydrated, chapped and peeling skin

2 drops of German Chamomile essential oil +

2 drops of Rose essential oil +

1 drop of Geranium essential oil +

10 ml of Sweet Almond Oil

do a soothing massage to improve dehydrated, chapped and peeling skin.

  • Improve oily and dehydrated skin

- these help to balance oil secretion and increase skin's own moisturizing ability:

3 drops of German Chamomile essential oil +

2 drops of Ylang-Ylang essential oil +

10 ml of Grapeseed oil

to massage the face


2 drops of Ylang-Ylang essential oil +

10 ml of German Chamomile Distillate

and spray it on the skin at any time

  • Sensitive skin

Sweet almond oil 10ML +

German Chamomile essential oil 3-5 drops

(twice a day, apply an appropriate amount and massage)

  • Dry and sensitive skin

10ML Sweet Almond oil +

3 drops of Sandalwood essential oil +

2 drops of German Chamomile essential oil

(twice a day, apply an appropriate amount and massage)

  • Good for dry skin and eczema skin -

A. Put a drop of German Chamomile essential oil in the face wash

every morning and evening when washing your face,

and apply it to your face with a towel for 5 minutes,

it has a soothing and astringent effect.


B. Apply 5 drops of German Chamomile essential oil +

5 ml of Sweet Almond Oil

directly to the local affected area 2-3 times a day,

the anti-inflammatory and astringent impact will be more effective.


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Disclaimer: This article and its contents are purely for interest. The products described here are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. The information in this article is for informational purposes only and is not a substitute for medical advice. Please consult your physician regarding specific medical concerns or before beginning health management. We make no representations or warranties and assume no responsibility for any information contained herein and/or for any conduct, use or misuse.



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