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Essential Oils 101 (4) :The Physiological Living Proof

The ability of essential oils to act on both the mind and the body is what makes them truly unique among natural therapeutic substances. The fragrance of some essential oils can be very stimulating --- both psychologically and physically. The fragrance of other essential oils may be calming and sedating, helping to overcome anxiety or hyperactivity.

On a physiological level,

essential oils may stimulate immune function

and regenerate damaged tissue.

On a physiological level,  essential oils may stimulate immune function  and regenerate damaged tissue.Many people are living proof that essential oils dramatically aided in the recovery of serious illness.  Essential oils have been pivotal in helping many people live pain free after years of intense pain.
Naturalice Garden: Essential Oils 101 (4) - Physiological Living Proof

Many people are living proof that essential oils dramatically aided in the recovery of serious illness. Essential oils have been pivotal in helping many people live pain free after years of intense pain.

例如,一位來自加州帕利沙迪思公園 (Palisades Park, California) 的女士,在青少年時期患上了小兒麻痹症後 (poliomyelitis),不幸地又患上脊柱側彎 (scoliosis),之後還因為一次嚴重跌倒,令肩部脫臼 (shoulder dislocation),病情變得加倍複雜。她忍受着疼痛和無法自由行動的困境長達22年,期間曾經走遍世界各地尋找名醫,但始終找不到能夠幫助她徹底矯正肩部的醫生。  在認識精油之後,他在肩部外敷臘菊精油 (Helichrysum)、冬青精油 (Wintergreen) 和其他成份的精油。在短時間內,她的疼痛開始舒緩,最後更完全消失,並在22年間,首次能夠將手臂高舉過頭部。
Naturalice Garden: 精油知識 101 (四): 生理層面的見證

For example, a woman from Palisades Park, California, developed scoliosis after surviving polio as a teenager, which was further complicated by a serious fall that dislocated her shoulder. Suffering pain and immobility for 22 years, she had travelled extensively in a fruitless search to locate a practitioner who could permanently reset her shoulder.

Upon learning about essential oils, she topically applied the oils of helichrysum and wintergreen, among others, to the shoulder. Within a short time, her pain began to diminish and eventually was completely gone, and she was able to raise her arm over her head for the first time in 22 years.


Copyright @Naturalice Garden 2021


Life Science Products and Publishing Essential Oils Desk References (8th Edition) Life Science Products and Publishing


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