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Essential Oils 101 (2) :Back to Natural Herbal Treatment

Back to the Most Natural Floral Application

  • Aromatherapy is the only therapy which can apply to the physical and psychological health at the same time

  • Aromatherapy is a method utilising excitation, assisting, and by means of balancing the body’s own immune system and mental state, in order to induce the human body’s "self-healing power" so that it can defeat the disease by itself

  • Correct application of aromatherapy will not cause side effects, nor will it form any residue nor will it accumulate in the body, and will not cause burden to the body

  • Aromatherapy can be applied anytime anywhere, and even self-applicable

  • Aromatherapy uses nature's mutual growth and mutual restraint characteristics. It is said that it not only can it be helpful for known diseases, but also can play a certain antibacterial and bactericidal effect when using against unknown cases or microorganisms (bacteria, viruses); more importantly, it will not bring about the sequelae of the so-called virus resistance

According to the medical profession,  only about 20% of the general people are sick and need to be treated, about 5% are physically and mentally healthy, and the remaining 75% are in the "third state" or "sub-healthy group" these people can use various alternate therapies such as psychotherapy, music therapy, sports therapy, entertainment therapy, etc. Among them, the easiest to apply and the most effective one is "aromatherapy".
Photo: iOneLife Medical Laboratory, Taiwan (壹生健康醫事檢驗所)

According to the medical profession,

  • only about 20% of the general people are sick and need to be treated, about 5% are physically and mentally healthy, and the remaining 75% are in the "third state" or "sub-healthy group"

  • these people can use various alternate therapies such as psychotherapy, music therapy, sports therapy, entertainment therapy, etc. Among them, the easiest to apply and the most effective one is "aromatherapy".

Current Medicine and Aromatherapy

The reintroduction of essential oils into modern medicine first began during the late 19th and early 20th centuries:

René-Maurice Gattefossé, PhD, a French cosmetic chemist, is widely regarded as the Father of Aromatherapy. In his 1937 book, Aromatherapy, Dr. Gattefossé told the real story of his now-famous use of lavender essential oil that was used to heal a serious burn:

Dr. Gattefossé was literally aflame - covered in burning substance - following a laboratory explosion in July 1910. After he extinguished the flames by rolling on a grassy lawn, he wrote that "both my hands were covered with rapidly developing gas gangrene". He further reported that "just one rinse with lavender essence stopped the gasification of the tissue. This treatment was followed by profuse sweating and healing which began the next day."

Dr. Jean Valnet, a colleague and friend of Dr. Gattefossé, is a medical doctor practising in Paris at that time:

Dr Valnet, after exhausting his supply of antibiotics as a physician in the battefield during World War II, began using essential oils on patients suffering from battlefield injuries. To his surprise, the essential oils showed a powerful effect in fighting infection.

In 1990, Dr. Daniel Pénoël, a French medical doctor, and Pierre Franchomme, a French biochemist, collaborated together to co-author the first reference book that cataloged the various medical properties of over 270 essential oils and how to use them in a clinical environment. Their work was based on Franchomme's laboratory experience and Pénoël's clinical experience of administering the oils to his patients. The book, published in French, was titled "L'aromathérapie exactement".

Health-minded people all over the world have learned the value of using high-quality natural herbs. Interestingly, most therapeutic herbs can be distilled into an essential oil. The key difference is that of concentration.

Essential oil can be from 100 to 10,000 times more concentrated - and therefore more potent - than the herb itself.

Even though they are many times more potent than natural herbs, essential oils, unlike prescription drugs, very rarely generate any negative side effects, which carried profound implications for those wanting to maintain or regain their health naturally.


Copyright @Naturalice Garden 2021


Life Science Products and Publishing Essential Oils Desk References (8th Edition) Life Science Products and Publishing


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Disclaimer: This article is excerpted from the abovementioned articles and books, and is prepared for leisure reading. The products, if any, described in this article, and the contents are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. The information in this article is for informational purposes only and is not a substitute for medical advice. Please consult your physician regarding specific medical concerns or before beginning health management. We make no representations or warranties and assume no responsibility for any information contained herein and/or for any conduct, use or misuse.


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