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6 Simple Must Do’s towards Healthier Skin

Throughout time, getting healthy skin has always been the main concern of women. Regardless of the color or texture, our skins are exposed to lots of chemicals, and air pollution plays a major role. In this article, let us explore some efficient habits that will make your skin sparkle and glow~

During your evening routine, add a drop of 100% Lemon Essential Oil* (use Therapeutic Grade) to your cold water in your water basin, splash (not rub) the water on your face for at least 50 times, preferrably 100 times, not only refreshes your skin, but also helps toning and whitening...
6 Simple Must Do’s towards Healthier Skin

1. Cold Water Splash

Washing the face with cold water helps your facial pores breathe and prevents you from getting oily skin. It also gives you a great amount of energy and freshness that will allow you to kick off your day in the best way possible. Try to avoid warm or hot water as much as you can on your face since it boosts crevices that cause a noticeable aging sign.

During your evening routine, add a drop of 100% Lemon Essential Oil* (use Therapeutic Grade) to your cold water in your water basin, splash (not rub) the water on your face for at least 50 times, preferrably 100 times, not only refreshes your skin, but also helps toning and whitening.

*Lemon Essential Oil is photo-sensitive, so do not add to your morning routine.

2. The Secret behind Pillow Sheets

Have you ever considered the importance of changing your pillow sheet at least once a week? Changing it more frequently helps maintain a fresh and clean surface of the pillow. This will also eradicate microbes and prevent any risk of contamination since there is direct contact between your face and your pillow.

3. ONE liter Body Detox per day

Drinking at least 1 liter of water per day, preferrably 2 litres, helps flushing toxins out of your body and reinforces the elasticity of your skin. As such, it prevents premature aging signs since water contributes to your skin's firmness. Besides, drinking lots of water helps cleansing your body system and you will find significant improvements on your acne skin.

4. Alternatives to Bad Habits

Bad habits like smoking have huge impact (detrimentally) on your body and your skin. There are alternatives to reduce stress in your everyday life, if you have a moment, Body or Face Yoga, or if you are in the middle of work or busy, practice your one-minute deep breathing to calm yourself down.

5. Outdoor Miracle

Going for a walk in the greens or beaches help expose your skin to fresh air, allowing your lungs as well as your skin to breathe deeply clean and pure air. You will see the impact of this natural outdoor miracle do to your skin when you go out more to the fresh air.

6. Your companion to a beauty transformation...

Face Yoga is facial exercises for muscle strengthening and relaxation, it helps to boost your skin's elasticity and firmness. When you practice Face Yoga daily, you'll get to see the improvements that it has on your face and skin. Wrinkles, eyelids, sagging cheeks, and other aging signs can be improved efficiently.


(1) Face Yoga Method by Fumiko Takatsu

(2) Face Yoga Diploma Course Materials (Centre of Excellence, UK)


Note: Unless otherwise mentioned, the copyrights of the content, layout, short videos and photos of this article are owned by Naturalice Garden. If you want to share, please indicate the source: Naturalice Garden. Grateful.

Disclaimer: This article and its contents are purely for interest. The products described here are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. The information in this article is for informational purposes only and is not a substitute for medical advice. Please consult your physician regarding specific medical concerns or before beginning health management. We make no representations or warranties and assume no responsibility for any information contained herein and/or for any conduct, use or misuse.


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