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3 Important Tips to Your Autumn Skin Care

As autumn begins, seasonal changes and other environmental factors can damage the skin barrier, reducing the moisture content of the skin, making it dry, rough, and more likely to appear "water-deficient fine lines". To get rid of dry skin problems, we are introducing to you three basic maintenance strategies today:

💛 Natural: Use skin care products with natural ingredients, avoid chemical preservatives and parabens, and reduce allergens; 💛 Water retention: Choose skin care products with high water retention ingredients, such as skin care products containing vitamin B3 and/or hyaluronic acid, not just moisturizing; 💛 Sun protection: Continue to do a good job of sun protection, try to use SPF50+ and PA+++ sunscreen products, or physical sunscreen skin care products to avoid skin drying due to sun exposure
3 Important Tips to Your Autumn Skin Care

開始入秋了,季節變化和其他環境因素會損害皮膚屏障,令皮膚水分含量降低,變得乾燥、粗糙,更加可能會出現〝缺水性細紋〞。要趕走肌膚乾燥問題,我們今天就介紹三大保養攻略:  💛 天然:選用天然成份的護膚品,避開化學防腐劑及對羥基苯甲酸 (Parabens),減低致敏源; 💛 保水:選用保水成份高的護膚品,例如含有維他命B3及/或透明質酸成份的護膚品,不要只顧滋潤; 💛 防曬:繼續做好防曬,盡量選用SPF50+及PA+++的防曬產品,或物理防曬護膚品,避免肌膚因日曬而變乾
Copyright @ Naturalice Garden 2021

💛 Natural: Use skin care products with natural ingredients, avoid chemical preservatives and parabens, and reduce allergens;

💛 Water retention: Choose skin care products with high water retention ingredients, such as skin care products containing vitamin B3 and/or hyaluronic acid, not just moisturizing;

💛 Sunscreen: Continue to do a good job of sun screen and UV protection, try to use SPF50+ and PA+++ sunscreen products, or physical sunscreen skin care products to avoid skin drying due to sun exposure

In addition, we should all pay attention that the swapping of skin care products should be done step by step, gradual and slowly, do not replace the whole set at one time, give the skin time to adapt~


Note: Except otherwise mentioned, the annotations, copyright of the content, layout and photos of this article belong to Naturalice Garden. If you want to share, please indicate the source: "Naturalice Garden". Thank you. This article is excerpted from, if applicable, the above articles and books, and is purely for leisure reading. This article should not be a substitute for professional healthcare and medical treatment. The author is not responsible for such use.

Disclaimer: This article is excerpted from the above articles and books, if applicable, and is purely for leisure reading. The products described in this article and content are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. The information in this article is for reference only and is not a substitute for medical advice. Please consult your doctor about specific medical issues or before starting any health management. We do not make any representations or warranties, and do not assume any responsibility for any information contained herein and/or any behavior, use or misuse thereof.

Copyright @Naturalice Garden 2022


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